We believe that fighting cancer is not only a physical battle but also an emotional battle that can be helped through loving support. Unfortunately, most pediatric cancer support programs age out at 18, leaving a gap for college-aged (18-24) young adults fighting cancer. Nik found this gap and with your help, we can fill it!

Help fund one of our wishes in waiting. We'll keep you up to date on the joy you delivered.


Fighting B-Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia

WISH: A family trip somewhere; to relax and feel at ease; away from medical treatment.
I was a very active person; I would help others in need. Because I am Hispanic I would help other families by taking them to appointments and providing transportation. I was also working and going to school at Pitt Community College. I would travel and go places on the weekend for more exposure to different places.

Things have completely changed. I am no longer active; at all. I can't even walk for 30 minutes. I also am very fatigued due to my blood counts. I am no longer working or going to school. I am fatigued and have body aches. It sometimes hurts to move. I am no longer able to eat like I used to. Everything has changed.


Fighting Brain Cancer

WISH: Trip to Nashville would be great because I love country music.
Prior to being diagnosed my life was normal; I was going to school at Pitt Community College and working. My life was not filled with medical appointments. Currently my life is filled with doctor/medical appointments.


Fighting Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

WISH: Trip out west to get in touch with nature, fresh air, and peace.
In high school I was active in football, bowling and tennis. After graduation, I continued my education at Bowling Green State University where I was majoring in Aviation to become a pilot. Over summer break, I obtained a job doing construction. While doing a concrete job, I noticed that I was getting unusually tired and started having pain in my back. Over the next couple of days, I began to feel ill and thought I may have COVID. On September 11, 2021 around 3:00AM, I woke up to sever back pain and I knew something was wrong. My roommate took me to the ER where they did extensive blood work to conclude that I either had Leukemia or Lymphoma. They sent me The James and The Ohio State University hospital where it was confirmed that I had Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. We requested to be transferred to Nationwide Children's Hospital for medical management.

The news hit me and my family very hard as would be expected. Everything changed on that day. I left my apartment and moved back home, and due to being immunocompromised during a pandemic, I became very isolated. I have spent much time in the hospital due to complications of blood clot at my port site, mediastinal pneumo, anaphylaxis from one of the chemo medications, inability to clear the high-dose methotrexate out of my body, weight loss due to the extreme vomiting, multiple blood transfusions, allergic reaction to the blood products, spinal taps with intrathecal chemo, and the appendicitis (with the additional diagnosis of a different type of malignant tumor), it was extremely taxing on all of us. My mom had to administer blood thinner injections twice a day for about a year, and, due to the anaphylaxis, the medical team had to replace each IV pegasparagenas dose with 12 intramuscular injections (2 injections every other day) in my thighs (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, for 2 weeks) for which we had to drive to the hospital to get. I think this totaled up to be 36 trips and 72 injections. I went from a strong 225 lbs (when I first sensed something wasn't feeling right) to165.

After 2 years and 3 months of being in treatment and my life being on hold, I am finally starting to feel a little more like myself. I am working to improve my endurance and strength but I know it is going to take some time. I am so grateful to have had the support of my immediate and extended family, friends and medical team at Nationwide Children's Hospital throughout this journey.

Going through all of this has given me a different perspective on the fragility of life. I am currently re-evaluating my educational goals to seek clarity regarding a career that will better serve my purpose in life.


Fighting Osteosarcoma

WISH: Trip with family to somehow show my appreciation to them.
I worked as a plumber and remodeled a house. I was able to and enjoyed physical labor jobs and worked very often. I enjoyed working on the farm with my father in law as well.

Now that I have been diagnosed, I have lost many of the activities I enjoy due to physical inability and weakness from chemo. I am not allowed to work in plumbing currently due to the hazard it can cause my immune system, as well as it being physically straining on my body. I was unable to finish my house, so I am currently living in an unfinished house until I can hopefully finish it when I regain my strength and mobility.


Fighting Metastatic Ewing Sarcoma

WISH: I would like to rent out a movie theatre screen and watch Return of the Jedi
Before being diagnosed I was a Junior studying Aerospace Engineering at the University of Kentucky. I was involved in 2 research groups (both associated with NASA), and I was a leader in three different extracurriculars. I was fortunate enough to be apart of a research team that was working directly on what I want to do with the rest of my life. The cancer diagnosis made me stop doing school, leave both research groups and stop participating as a leader in my three extracurriculars. I had an apartment with three guys but now that independence has been stripped from me as I live with my dad and stepmom full time. They have sacrificed so much for me, but I am still unable to feel like my own person sometimes, After being diagnosed I no longer get to see my friends or be a part of the stuff I wanted before cancer.


fighting Round Cell Sarcoma

WISH: Meet Tyler Perry
Well , Before my life was normal , a normal Hi Jay how was your day at school today from my mom and my response would be all of the excitement from that entire school day , I've had many Fun arts and drama classes that really captured my heart I'm actually a member of JC Casablanca's my parents actually put me in acting classes , Tyson Beckford actually gave me an acting approval but of course he said I was no model (I guess Mr. Beckford couldn't stand the competition I come with LOL) , I used to even go on boat rides with my Family and girlfriend we use to just be able to frolic and play on our property with not one concern. I worked proudly to support myself at the age of 18. I fought to graduate with honors and without any downtime committed to enrolling in college the following semester... now we're here but things are looking up!!!

What Nik's wish are you thinking about and why?
I would love to meet Tyler Perry!


fighting ALL

WISH: UFC Las Vegas
Before I was diagnosed I was a sophomore in college, working a part time job, active in church and hanging with my friends.
After I was diagnosed in 2021, everything changed. I have spent more time in the hospital in the last 2 years than I have at home. I have also been immunocompromised the entire time, which means I have been isolated from friends and family. I have been unable to travel or even go out to eat.
I recently underwent a bone marrow transplant. I am recovering now and working on getting stronger.

What Nik's wish are you thinking about and why?
I would like to go to a UFC fight in Las Vegas. One of my favorite things to do when I was in the hospital was watch UFC fights. It always gave me something to look forward to and helped past the time. I know experiencing this in person would be great!


fighting Hodgkins Lymphoma

WISH: Travel
For at least three years before my diagnosis, I felt that something was off. Since march 2020, I have suffered from many painful physical symptoms that stopped me from living a productive and happy life. All I remember is going from Dr to Dr being mis or undiagnosed and being told everything was in my head. my outings and fun nights out quickly decreased and the hopeless days wondering what is wrong with me became often. It was very difficult for me to go to school, go out, and even do household chores. As fall 2022 came, my symptoms became much more noticeable. When I was finally diagnosed in july 2023, I felt validated. life since being diagnosed is a roller coaster. The week that I get treatment, I am in bed for 4 days due to the disturbing and traumatizing side effects of the chemotherapy. I am unable to communicate or be mobile. The week after, I recovered and am able to go out and catch up with friends or family. treatment is very rough for me but i always hold onto my faith and hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I try to be more grateful for my life and all the blessings in it.

What Nik's wish are you thinking about and why?
I would love to go out of state. I feel like going away would give me a much needed refresh and somewhat of a restart. Being in a different environment than where I am currently, where I get treatment, would allow me to come back and view it as less daunting. I have wished to go away for a long time and I hope I will be able to do that soon!


fighting Pseudomyogenic Hemangioendothelioma

WISH: LA Chargers
Before being diagnosed, I was a senior computer science student at the University of Maryland, College Park. I was very active: I loved to go to the gym, take walks on campus and go out with my friends. I was on track to graduate in the spring 2024 semester; however, I must take a gap semester or two to ensure I am 100% healthy to finish my college degree strong! When I was diagnosed, I was in the middle of my semester. I was in a considerable amount of pain, due to the fact that the cancer was on my foot. I was constantly seeing doctors, receiving various scans, and feeling uncertain, all while completing my semester! Through the help of my support system, I completed my semester strong. I recently had a below the knee amputation to dispel the cancer in my foot, and will be undergoing oral chemotherapy soon to take care of potential cancer cells that made its way in my lungs. Thus, I've been taking it easy, and resting most days.
What Nik's wish are you thinking about and why?
The wish I am thinking about is being able to attend an LA Chargers regular season home game. I hope to be able to meet some of the players, and possibly sit closest to the field. I have this wish in mind because ever since I was a kid I have been a chargers fan! I've never been to an NFL game either, so this would be my first time as well!


fighting B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

WISH: Neymar Jr.
My name is Mateo and I am originally from Ecuador. I am currently living in the US with my father, step-mother, and half-sister. In 2019 I was diagnosed with B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and received 2-years of chemotherapy treatment. I had been off of chemotherapy a little over a year when I found out that I had relapsed. I was hospitalized 2/7/2024 and am currently still in the hospital. I will need to get a stem cell transplant due to my relapse.

I was working as a soccer coach before my relapse and unfortunately cannot work right now. I hope to get back to coaching once I am out of the hospital.

What Nik's wish are you thinking about and why?
I have dreamed about meeting Neymar Jr. since I was 10-years-old. He has come to the US to play but I have not been able to watch him play because the tickets were too expensive. It would be great to get to meet him or to watch him play. It would even be great to get a video from him or to get some signed memorabilia. Thank you so much for considering my wish.


fighting Grandulosa Cell Tumor of Ovary

WISH: Disneyland
I graduated high school in June of 2023. I had so many plans. It started with my summer job. I worked as a camp counselor to underprivileged children at a Salvation Army Camp. It was to be the first time I lived away from home. I was nervous but very excited. People came from all over the world to work here. Here I was, having the best summer of my life. The weeks were spent working and building the kingdom of God. The weekends were about my friends and family. I would go on hiking adventures with my new found friends. We spent way too many hours at the beach laughing till we cried. I was sad to see summer go but new adventures awaited. I started college at Fresno City College. I am a biology major with plans on one day going to med school. It had been my dream since I was a kid. I had the great privilege to play water polo there. This was going to be my season. I started strong! Classes were going well, I loved learning about science and math. I sat in the front row and it seemed like I was the only one to laugh at the teacher's jokes. I love science. Water Polo was challenging and I learned new positions. For the first time in my life I played goalie. I am so proud of the player I was becoming. It all changed in a moment. I had been having pain in my abdomen but I'm an athlete and I endure. I had changed my diet, lost weight and was at a physical peak. I went in for a checkup. That's all, just a simple checkup. My life changed in a matter of hours.

I've tried to be positive but the physical aspects of chemotherapy were overwhelming. I had all these plans. This was not supposed to be my life. I had to drop out of college because I could no longer attend classes. The hardest thing was I had to say goodbye to playing water polo. It was devastating! After being diagnosed, my life became doctor visits and hospital stays. I was so sick, nausea left me crippled and unable to function. Some days I would be released from the hospital, just to return a day or two later. I became withdrawn from my friends and a family. I hated the the way I looked. At one point I was crying nonstop, everyday. I no longer saw a future. How was I supposed to move forward? I struggled to communicate my despair.

Today, I've completed my last treatment and am waiting for my scans. I still have a lot of questions. How do I move forward? How do I trust my body? Some days are harder than others. I've started to set small goals. I've started to hang out with my friends and family again. Other days I struggle with thinking and walking. I know it will get better. Or at least that is what everyone says.

What Nik's wish are you thinking about and why?
I have always loved Disneyland. We used to go there every week when I was little. I must have owned every princess dress. My mom would doll me and my siblings up and off so we went on an adventure. By all means we were a Disney family. It has always been such a wonderful place for me and my family. I think that's why I wish to go to Disneyland. I remember a time we would go to Goofy's Kitchen and dance with the characters (for every birthday). We would eat all the snacks we could. We would play games while we stood in line. I was always so excited to see the parade. I know every song and movie. Afterall, I dreamed of being a princess.


fighting ALL

WISH: Vacation
Shir is a 24yr female who was working in a law office in admin and dating her boyfriend prior to her diagnosis. Since her diagnosis, she has lost her job and has had many life changes. She has had to have a Bone Marrow Transplant and is now very dependent on family - which is contrast to her previous independence.

What Nik's wish are you thinking about and why?
Vacation with her boyfriend to help her heal mentally. She is experiencing a mental exhaustion from her treatment and transplant


fighting Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

WISH: Maui
I am a freshman at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona. My major is education, and I want to be a middle school math teacher. My passion is hanging out with and mentoring Christian teen girls.

While at school, my favorite activities to do were camping out on the school field to get the best seats for GCU basketball games. I love country swing dancing, and I was a part of a country swing dancing club called American Kids. I also enjoyed attending worship nights and bible studies with my friends on campus.

I was very active before my diagnosis. I loved to go hiking and cliff jumping. I also have the bug for travel and was signed up this summer to be a part of a mission trip to serve in Spain teaching English to kids and telling them about Jesus. Additionally, I volunteered at a local soup kitchen called St. Vincent's as well as participated in a program called Canyon Kids where I mentored local low-income kids. As you can see I am very social and love being around people and making friends.

I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma when I came home for Christmas break. I thought I was sick and went to urgent care where they prescribed me antibiotics for a sinus infection. However, I didn't get better, I got worse. My lymph nodes in my neck and armpits started to swell and my face was swollen twice its size. I also had shortness of breath. The doctors kept saying I had an allergic reaction to the antibiotics but after three weeks of worsening symptoms, they finally did a chest x-ray and found a tumor pressing on the main artery to my heart. I was admitted to the hospital immediately and after many biopsies and CT scans, I was diagnosed.

Since my diagnosis, my life has been put on hold. I am unable to go back to school as I needed to start chemo immediately. Every 3 weeks I go to the hospital to receive chemo for 5 days. Then I have 2 weeks to recover my counts. My treatment will consist of 6-8 chemo sessions. I am now immunosuppressant so I am not allowed to be in large crowds of people. I can have a few friends come to my house to see me as long as they wear a mask and we social distance ourselves. Since my chemo treatment, my hair has fallen out and I am very weak. I don't have the energy that a normal 18-year-old has. I spend my days sleeping a lot and going to clinic appointments. It has been hard to stay positive as sometimes I feel like I am stuck in this cancer prison.

My family has been my rock! My mom took a leave of absence from her job to care for me and transport me back and forth for my appointments. She even sleeps on an air mattress on the floor while I am in the hospital during treatment. My dad and younger brothers provide me with comic relief, especially about my bald head. My strong faith in God is getting me through this difficult diagnosis. My church family and community have been amazing at surrounding me with love, support, dinners, cookies, and anything I need.

Even though my life is not what I want it to be right now I am trying to remember that there is a light at the end of this tunnel. Through this process I am learning that you don't know how strong you are until you have no other choice than to be strong.

What Nik's wish are you thinking about and why?
My wish is for my family and I to go on a trip to Maui. I want my family to go on this trip with me because they are walking this cancer journey with me. My brothers have had to sacrifice sports and activities because my parents were busy in the hospital with me. My mom has had to take a leave of absence from her job and my parents have been my biggest support. This trip would give us all something to look forward to once my treatment is over.


fighting ALL

WISH: Hawaii
My life before my diagnosis was pretty normal but I couldn't have asked for anything better. I was a very active 21 year old that was living at home. I am the oldest daughter, with 2 blended families with a total of 9 siblings combined, so I guess you could say I have a really big family but life at home was never boring. I was going to Stanislaus State University full time, which is about a 30 minute commute from Merced, my hometown. I was studying Chemistry/Biology hoping to get into the Medical Field one day. I also worked at the local coffee shop, Dutch Bros Coffee, as a barista. Some things I enjoy doing in my free time are going to the gym, playing soccer with my little sister, as I grew up playing soccer until high school and she just started playing, and watching sports! I love watching really any type of sports but I would say my favorite is football-Go Niners, baseball(Giants), and soccer (USA). Also, I really enjoy going on trips, going to the beach, and going to concerts with friends. Really anything and everything I could do, I would without hesitation. I was really living my best life and getting use to my everyday schedule.
During finals week, I started feeling really tired. I didn't think anything of it just as a lack of sleep from studying so much. Then throughout the week I started developing more symptoms such as pounding headaches, shortness of breath, and one day I came home to my mom noticing my lips were super pale. From that moment, my mom noticed our doctor who ordered lab work. It took a couple days to get that done but my only focus was my finals. After a few days, I had decided I wanted to go to my friends graduation no matter how I was feeling. That day, I woke up from a nap, got ready, and took some ibuprofen to get myself through the day. During the ceremony, is when the doctor had called with the results. He told me I needed to go to the ER immediately, as my mom was so worried she came to pick me up. My hemoglobin was at a 4.1, and the normal range is 12-16, so mine has been extremely low. I was then admitted to the local hospital where I received 3 blood transfusions within the same night. Even the nurses had never seen anything lower than 7 and was surprised I was still walking at that point. A few days later, I ended up at Stanford Medical Center, where I received my official diagnosis of B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. This day my life changed forever.
After my diagnosis, my life completely turned upside-down. I have been in the hospital more than I have been home. I had to take a break from school, work, the gym, and trips. I also haven't been able to really see any of my family or friends, unless they were willing to make the 2 and a half hour drive from our hometown. My mom and dad have been switching off staying with me because they do allow one caregiver overnight. Thankfully, one day I was able to see the light again through all these dark days. I just received my bone marrow transplant! My 17 year old brother was thankfully a 100% match. I couldn't be more thankful it worked out that way because then my journey would've probably been a lot longer. Through this all, I am thankful to call this my journey and have such a great support system on my side. I know this journey will only make me stronger as a person, and overall I am just grateful to be alive!


fighting Leukemia APL

WISH: Hawaii
I am the oldest of three girls. I was ready to go off to college and pursue my degree in nurse practitioner. I was very excited since I was going to be the first in my family to go to college and it has been my mothers dream to see me succeed in life. She pushed me day and night to educate myself since she was not able to go to college herself. My mother helped me see how caring I am and how much I would be able to help others since both of my parents come from immigrant families. I then decided to apply for FASFA and they were able to help me financially. I was ready to start my new chapter in life when on September 1st of 2023 after a regular follow up appointment I got the worse news in my life. I was diagnosed with leukemia. I was then rushed to Seattle's Childrens Hospital. It was at first unknown what kind of leukemia until after days of lab work, I was diagnosed with Leukemia APL. I was informed I would have to stay in the hospital for a unknown time. That my life that I had known and had planned would never be the same again and that everything would have to be put on hold. I had to leave my whole family behind and only my mom was going to be on my side. It was really difficult because I then realized how ill I was. I was suffering from pain and medication side effects. It was one month as inpatient yet it seemed a eternity. During the time at the hospital I could not avoid getting depressed because my whole life changed and I found myself fighting for my life. It has been hard to think that I am not able to go to college until I am done with this chapter in my life. I had to change my focus and try to find positive things in all this situation. For example I am now grateful I went to the doctor when I did. That I am thankful that the doctors were able to save my life and that I will eventually be able to pick up where I left from. I am know half ways in the treatment. I look forward eating and drinking simple things I am now not able to, for example sunnyside up eggs. A good cup of coffee sounds amazing. I now have a second chance to life and I will follow my dreams and I will work very hard to become a nurse practitioner since I now know how it feels to be a patient in need of care. I will forever be thankful for all the support I have received from Seattle's Childrens Hospital staff, social works, and family.

What Nik's wish are you thinking about and why?
I have a wish to go with my whole family to Hawaii.


fighting Hodgkin's Lymphoma

WISH: Family Vacation
Chase graduated high school in 2023 and was planning on attending EMT school last August and Firefighter School in January. His father is a firefighter for Seminole County Fire Department and had hopes of working alongside him. Although this dream will still come true and is currently on hold with hopes of starting this August. Chase is handling his treatments well and will finish the 6 month treatment cycle on February 27th, 2024.

What Nik's wish are you thinking about and why?
Week long Family Vacation, either near the water or mountains.


fighting T-cell leukemia/lymphoma

WISH: Key West
Jack was diagnosed 4 months after graduating high school. He was planning to go to college and study Nuclear Engineering. He was getting marks on his skin and not feeling well. He was first diagnosed with a rash and given skin cream. He had petechiae all over his body. He was finally diagnosed with leukemia. He has been fighting Leukemia for over 2 years. Now he has avascular necrosis in his shoulders and hips which requires replacement of both shoulders and hips.

What Nik's wish are you thinking about and why?
His wish is to spend time in Key West and swim in the ocean.


fighting Brain tumor

WISH: Star Wars at Disney
My cancer has come back multiple times. I am disabled I have a lot of problems like loss balance, double vision PTSD and WHITE COAT syndrome . I have been through 30 surgeries done chemotherapy back to back and radiation treatment. Through all that I still kept my head up and had a lot of faith in God because I am a mighty warrior of God. Always and will be positive no matter how bad things get, cancer won't break me. I fight for all my brothers fighting cancer.

What Nik's wish are you thinking about and why?
I live and die for the star wars and Disney is my childhood and I've always wanted to go to Disneyland and go see galaxy edge I want to make my own r2d2 and lightsaber and take a picture with all my favorite characters it's been my dream and because of cancer I haven't been able to anything


fighting Diffuse Midline Glioma

WISH: Universal Studios
I was diagnosed with brain and spine cancer in July of 2022. Before I was diagnosed, I was a freshman in college. I was living independently in a dorm, meeting new friends, and working on my degree. I've always been a creative, energetic, and positive person. Qualities my cancer diagnosis can never take from me. In May of 2022, my younger sister was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma. She's my best friend and it was the worst thing in the world watching her go through that, but she's a fighter and beat it just months later in November. Throughout high school I experienced neck and shoulder pain as well as terrible headaches. It all started going downhill when the summer before my sophomore year, more symptoms popped up including blurry vision. I went to the ophthalmologist and they quickly suggested I go to the ER. I'd never been to the ER before so, rightfully so, I was so nervous. They did some scans and the hospital bed was horrible. The docs came back after what felt like forever and told me they found something in my brain. Everything escalated from there. Two weeks later and I had brain surgery to remove the tumor, a month or so later I started radiation therapy, and after I completed that, started chemotherapy. Through all of this craziness I was continuing my degree, but online. I was about to go back that spring which was amazing as I made some of my very best friends that semester since joining a sorority. For a while everything was shrinking and even clearing up (which doesn't happen in tumors like mine). It felt like such a miracle. Now, I am about to start a clinical trial out of University of Michigan at Mott as new spots have started to show up. I have made it a goal to keep my spirits up by maintaining a positive attitude. I am blessed to have the most amazing friends and family ever who keep me lifted and loved. I will never let my diagnosis keep me from being the person I am and I am proud of myself for not letting my fight with cancer get me down.

What Nik's wish are you thinking about and why?
I really would love to go to Universal Studios with my family because I love spending time with them and I
m OBSESSED with Harry Potter. I love the warm weather Florida has and roller coasters are my favorite.


fighting Hodgkin's Lymphoma

In the beginning of October, I got accepted to my first-choice university, Shippensburg, in the History Program. I am aiming to major in American/Public History and work behind the scenes in either museums or local historical societies. I am looking at a minor in Creative Writing. My family was so excited for me as this is what I had been hoping for. Over the next few weeks, I got accepted to all of the schools I applied to, so we were spending that time reviewing everything and trying to finalize my choice when I was admitted to Children's Hospital of Pennsylvania for suspicion of Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Since then everything has changed. I was worried that I would not be able to accept my offer at Shippensburg, however my oncology team says I should continue with my plans. I've been hesitant to do this just yet, but my mom and family continue to encourage me to stay focused on my goals. I have opted to participate in a clinical trial for treatment which allows me to go to the clinic a little less and not have as many side effects to the treatment, but I have slowed down a lot and attend school only 2-3 days a week. I try to still go as much as I can as my teachers and friends are all supportive. I'm also supposed to be in a play with our drama department in a few weeks and this helps me cope on the tough days as I have something to look forward to in the coming weeks. I am almost done with my second treatment cycle and hope to see positive results on my upcoming scan to show us that the treatment is working. I think this is what I need to see to keep my focus on my goals. I have been having some tough days over the holidays as I don't feel up to celebrating as I feel like what's the point since I am in the worst days I have ever had. One of the worst days was the day I decided to have my hair shaved. I had long hair so losing it all gives me a physical reminder of what I am going through. I try to stay positive, but my mom says I'm allowed to have all sorts of feelings as each day is different, but this is only temporary.

I hope to be able to feel better, and good about myself and gain the confidence to make plans for after graduation. I told my family I still want to go to Shippensburg, and they are all so supportive and are looking forward to some of the positive things we have coming up this year.
What Nik's wish are you thinking about and why?
I would like to take some time with my family and celebrate beating cancer and graduating from high school as I hope this all happens at that same time and turns all of these negative days into positive ones. I would like to either go to the Outer Banks with them as that is our happy place or I have thought it would be fun to visit Universal Studios as we all love Harry Potter.


fighting Germ Cell Cancer

When I first got diagnosed when I was you ger life just seemed to fly by I knew I had cancer but i didn't know I had it as severe as I did to me I was still able to play and be so what of a normal kid as I got older it was all a blur. This time around being 18 it felt like someone put me in jail. My whole life stopped literally. I had to quickly plan around finals and think about next school semester while all I feel the need to do is sleep. Regardless of my disappointment I try to remind myself of all the love and support I am blessed to have in my life and that with the help of God all get through this with patience and strength.
What Nik's wish are you thinking about and why?
Either or I love to experience life through events but also a gift is something I will always be grateful for! Both way I would be absolutely thankful even just getting the opportunity


fighting Hodgkin's Lymphoma

WISH: Undecided
Before treatment I was a normal high schooler. Now, I am in the hospital often and due to the transplant, I can not go to many places. I would like to rent a movie theatre for a private screening of a movie with family and friends


fighting Acute Myeloid Leukemia

WISH: Rainforest
Before my diagnosis, I was super active playing volleyball and I was in college getting my bachelors in psychology. I was diagnosed my junior year, a week before my 21st birthday. I received treatment, graduated, and relapsed last year. Since then I've been on a maintenance treatment and I'm working to gain my strength back after all my treatments caused some muscle loss. Meanwhile, I'm keeping myself busy by doing hobbies such as crocheting and painting.!


fighitng Ewings Sarcoma

WISH: Hawaii
I am in college and Mid-America Christian University and was planning to attend school this year but before my diagnosis I had hip surgery so I was at home for a whole month recovering and then found out about my diagnosis. I play basketball at my college and was going to start my second year. After finding out about my diagnosis, my life has changed tremendously. My story has reached so many people and I never would have imagined this happening to me. I live in a very small town in Texas with not much to do so I usually either hangout with friends and family or binge watch Netflix series.


fighting Germ Cell Cancer

WISH: Legoland Florida
I am on the autism spectrum and I was enrolled in a group therapy program that I attended two days a week. I used to go for long walks every day and watch movies and play with my dog before I got sick.I was diagnosed in June and was hospitalized at South Shore University Hospital for almost four months and was discharged on 10/19/23. Right now I enjoy the same things but I'm not well enough to resume going to my program or going on long walks. Everything is different now and I don't know what my life is going to be like yet.
What Nik's wish are you thinking about and why?
I want to go to Legoland in Florida because I went there in 2017 with my mom and I'd love to go back again. I love building with Legos and Legoland was so fun because they have an awesome water park and lots of cool rides and exhibits. I've been a Lego fan for most of my life and I've been to Lego conventions and special exhibits in the past.


fighting Hodgkin's Lymphomia

Before being diagnosed with stage IV hodgkin's lymphoma, I was a busy student-athlete. I was involved in football, basketball, baseball, track, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and National Honors Society during my time at Oregon City Schools. Outside of school, I was very active with my church, volunteering in children's church and helping with the audio-visual department. Summers had been spent playing travel baseball, participating in football workouts, hanging out at Cedar Point, and working with the grounds crew at the Oregon Recreation Department. I often volunteered at a number of youth summer camps through my church and at Clay High School, where I helped to encourage and train the younger generation.

I graduated with honors and was looking forward to attending college at the University of Toledo to earn a degree in a healthcare field. A month before school started, I went to an allergist due to chronic itching that was not being relieved by other treatments my PCP suggested. Thankfully, the allergist did blood work, in which he discovered I was anemic and suggested I follow up with my doctor. Many tests were performed, but I proceeded with college, until it was eventually discovered that I had hodgkin's lymphoma. The oncologist suggested I take a medical leave of absence to focus on my health. I started 6 rounds of outpatient chemotherapy and things were going great other than the typical fatigue, nausea, and isolation struggles. After the first PET scan, I got encouraging news that the cancer was responding, but unfortunately, after the fourth round, another PET scan was performed, and the cancer had started to grow back again. I couldn't believe it and I was so disappointed that I wasn't almost done with this tough journey. From that point, I started immunotherapy to hopefully maintain the progress I had made and my local oncologist referred me to a lymphoma specialist at the Cleveland Clinic. The lymphoma specialist suggested a treatment plan that involved intense chemotherapy, along with a stem cell transplant. Currently I am recovering in Cleveland, and have been confined to the bone marrow transplant unit for 20 days. The intense chemotherapy was no joke. I have been on oxygen, had many blood cultures done, along with chest and head CT scans to make sure I didn't have infections due to my struggle with a consistent fever. I have lost 25 pounds since my admission, but finally each day seems a tad bit better than the one before. I am looking forward to going home soon!
What Nik's wish are you thinking about and why?
For my Nik's wish, I would love to go to Hawaii with my parents, three sisters, and my two brother-in-laws. While there, if possible I would really like to do some fishing and maybe even learn how to surf. I chose this wish, because the last 8 months have been such a challenge for me and my family, and it would be nice to get away to a tropical location and do our best not to think about the struggles I have endured throughout this journey. I believe it would be a boost to my mental health and be great to make dream like memories with my family. Thank you for the opportunity to be placed on your waiting list and hopefully eventually be considered for this wish.


fighting Glioblastoma

Originally from Brooklyn, NY, Matt moved to Boston to attend Northeastern U where he completed a double major in Math and Music. During undergrad Matt also studied Conducting and saxophone performance at the New England Conservatory of Music and was President of Northeastern's Wind ensemble for 2 years, during which he conducted the group alongside their director and premiered his own arrangements and original compositions. After finishing his degrees in 2021, Matt stuck around Boston to start work full time at Wayfair as a pricing analyst while also playing saxophone in and conducting community bands all over the Boston area.
Then everything changed. Matt and his partner Ellesse (they had met in the music dorms at Northeastern) were moving into their new rental together in Jamaica Plain just near Boston when Matt started getting some bad migraines, vision loss and nausea. Matt was rushed to the hospital where an MRI Showed a lime-sized tumor growing very fast in his brain. Matt went in for a craniotomy where about half the tumor was removed. The biopsy returned the results of Glioblastoma, the most aggressive and incurable primary brain tumor. Matt was given a prognosis of about 5 years. After another surgery and radiation treatment, Matt now has limited use of his left side, and walks around with a cane. Though he can't play the sax anymore he still spends his days arranging and composing music for local bands to perform.
Matt and Ellesse, now newly engaged,☺️ are still sprucing up their Jamaica Plain apartment, birdwatching in Boston's great parks, going to local concerts and festivals, and traveling around the US and abroad(when Matt has the energy to do so).
Matt is now almost a year out from his surgery and doing his best to live his life to the fullest.


fighting Synovial Sarcoma

I would describe my life before my diagnosis in one word as full. I was at the time of my diagnosis serving a full-time mission for my church in Jacksonville, Flordia. I spent my days serving and talking with people. I had a full schedule every day and experienced a lot of joy. Before that I was a full-time student at Utah State University, where my schedule was full of classes, friends and activities. After my diagnosis, I had a pretty drastic change. I spent a lot of time at doctors appointments and I went from a full schedule to struggling to fill my time each day. I did pick up some new hobbies like embroidery, but it has been hard. I try to find little joys in each day.


fighting Osteosrcoma

My life before diagnosis was vibrant! I was an accomplished high school athlete in various sports, including becoming a state hurdle champion my junior year. I was an excited college student ready to take on the world after graduation until the end of my sophomore year when I was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in my left femur. I was then immediately treated with chemotherapy and a full knee replacement, which made me take a semester off from school. Although, I am limited in my mobility now and there are certain thing I will never do again such as running which was my passion. I am still trying to comprehend everything even after an entire year and am still adjusting to my new normal.


fighting Osteosrcoma

I was a normal teen, active in High School football. I graduated with honors and was planning my future. I loved working as a Heavy Equipment Operator. It provided me the independence every 18yr old craves. I was well on my way into my "real life" beginning adulthood phase.
Then "real life" hit me in a way I never expected, cancer. I have felt every emotion possible; scared I'm going to die, angry it's happening to me, jealous of my friends starting their lives, careers and college, while my life is stuck in neutral. I have emotions that I didn't expect; appreciation of the love of my friends & family, humor where you least expect it & an inner strength I didn't know I possessed. There are truly great things that can be found during our darkest times.


fighting Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma

I had kidney issues since I was 7 yrs old. College was essentially the first time I was able to go to school and build a life. Now I have to give myself up to the hospital once again. I really had to grow up all over, re-access my mental health, emotional, and spiritual health as I'm going through this. I've changed in such a short amount of time that it surprised me, but I'm going through this knowing I can, without losing myself. It truly is a difficult journey, but one I am not stepping down from.


Ewing Sarcoma

Before being diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma I was a defensive end on the Saint Ambrose College football team. I was in my second year of college getting ready to play in our first game. Instead of playing that weekend I was told the x-ray of my collar bone looked like it had a tumor. Since then I have had 6 chemo treatments before surgery to remove 3 inches of my collar bone. I now will have 8 more to be sure there is no more cancer hiding anywhere. As of today I have 6 more treatments left. The treatments are every two weeks. I stay in the hospital and they are 3 to 5 days. I am also staying in college while I am doing treatments. My plan is to play football next fall.

What Nik's wish are you thinking about and why?
I would love to meet Tom Hanks. My mom named me after Forrest Gump one of his character's he plays in a movie. I think he is an amazing person and have always wanted to meet him. I realize this might be far fetched.


fighting Lymphoma

Sam, age 20 from CT, was a healthy young man when he was suddenly diagnosed with cancer in January of 2021. He had a very scary & difficulty first round of chemo where he was in the intensive care unit. He's been adjusting to the new diagnosis but it's been extra challenging due to covid.


fighting Rhabdomyosarcoma

WISH: I've wanted to drive a sports car/truck -- maybe down route 1 in Cali.
Life before diagnosis was great. Had just started high school, met many new people and made many friends. I used to play baseball and bike all over Chicago as my main hobbies. But life after diagnosis did not change much. My first treatment was one of the hardest I have been through. It taught me many things. Enjoy life to the fullest extent and appreciate those around you. Friends, family and many loved ones. When I started relapsing, I had to drop out of mechanic school due to scheduling issues. But I now work on my personal and friend's cars. Cancer has taught me to always look at the positive side. Taught me patience. Trying to find the ways to still enjoy my hobby and still work in the automotive industry. I've had my ups and downs with lately Ct scans giving me the downs. But I still try to live life as best as I can.


fighting B Cell Lymphoma

WISH: Hawaii
I had just graduated high school and was ready to move in for college before getting diagnosed. I was a captain of my high school swim and water polo team, and I enjoyed goofing around and hanging out with my teammates. I also was a captain of the Science Olympiad team. I mainly competed in build events because I enjoy projects that involve creating stuff to optimize a task or solve a problem. I was having a wonderful senior year, getting to compete at state in all of the extracurriculars I previously mentioned.

My life has been a lot different since I was diagnosed. Firstly, I wasn't able to go to college. It was depressing watching all my friends go to college and have fun, while I was stuck undergoing 6 intense rounds of chemo. My social life also has been a lot different since my white cell counts have been low from the chemo. I haven't been able to go out and hang out with my friends as much because of it. In addition, most of my friends are in school so they have less time to hang out with me. There were a lot of physical and medical issues I was having too like not being able to walk, NPO, and nerve pain, but I have recovered from most of those.


fighting Synovial Sarcoma

WISH: Dr. Joe Dispenza Meditation Retreat
Life before cancer, I was very active. I surfed almost every day. I loved to go rock climbing with friends and play hacky sack. I went to school, studied with friends, drove myself wherever I needed to go and was able to do anything I wanted to do most of the time. I had a job and I had a lot more freedom than I have now. I felt like I was moving forward in my life. I would like to attend the Joe Dispense meditation retreat in Dallas, Texas in August. I have experience meditating and I used it extensively during chemotherapy to get myself through that difficult time. It really helped me a lot. I would like to continue to deepen my practice to help me continue to get through this difficult time in my life. I have thought about different things I could do for my Nik's Wish, but I keep coming back to this retreat. I feel like there is something there for me. I want to see what it is.


fighting Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma

WISH: Hawaii
Life before cancer was perfect. I worked in the evenings so I spent my days with my wife and son. We would wake up in the morning- eat breakfast and plan our day together. We were always at the pool, parks, trips and all kinds of events. Life after diagnosis has been more difficult with doctors appointments, hospital stays, hospice care nurses coming in and out of our house, being in a wheelchair at one point for weeks, and others. Yes, we still find time to do things together now but it's not the same in the slightest bit.


fighting Osteosarcoma

WISH:Chicago shopping spree.
My mom has never been to Chicago so we are planning a trip there for her birthday in July. I love to shop, lol, and think it'd be fun to do that in Chicago.

I was a young child when first diagnosed. I remember being a lot just like my friends. I had a lot of friends. Through my treatments, I've had a couple breaks where I was cancer free and was able to continue my teenage years somewhat "normal," but always feared I'd hear this diagnosis again. I was able to graduate high school with my class and was attending trade school to become a medical assistant when I got the breast cancer diagnosis. I finished school but never took the board test. After that diagnosis I worked for a short time in a vet clinic and I LOVED it. Then came the diagnosis again - Osteosarcoma. I have not been able to work since shortly after the first osteosarcoma diagnosis. I currently live with my mom and stepdad. I still have a couple close friends that I have stayed in contact with but most are all out busy living their lives and we've just grown apart.


fighting Rhabdomyosarcoma

WISH: I'm hoping Nik's wish can find an artist who can help me with a book I'm writing. I need someone familiar with the Japanese Manga style of art. It's been a dream of mine to write something in this style. I have the story however Manga is all illustration.

I graduated high school with a 4.0 average, and quite a few college credits. I was accepted into R.I.T. and studied video game design and development. I was in my senior year with only 4 classes left for graduation when I was rushed to the hospital again by ambulance. The cancer was in my heart. I was all alone in Rochester, NY, 8 hours from home. I had to call my mom and give her the news. It was devastating. My mom flew up to be by my side. She's been through all of this with me. I call her " my Rock".
Unfortunately, cancer stole my college degree and diploma. I was granted an Honorary Degree but it is not the same. I worked so hard, I missed my home, my dog, my mom, and my friends. I got to attend graduation but I don't have a diploma. Cancer has stolen so much from me and now it's taken away my right to call myself a college graduate.
Now I've been diagnosed with brain cancer. I had 1 tumor surgically removed and I still have 1 in my brain. I was diagnosed with cancer in my abdomen. At this time I am fighting cancer in 3 different areas of my body. I've suffered many complications, had many surgeries, and so much radiation that I probably glow in the dark. I wish I could say I made it to the other side of cancer, but I can't. I'm in treatment, and in spite of it all I'm ok, not great, but ok.


fighting Desmoplastic small round cell sarcoma

WISH: I would love to meet Tyler Perry!
Well , Before my life was normal , a normal Hi Jay how was your day at school today from my mom and my response would be all of the excitement from that entire school day , I've had many Fun arts and drama classes that really captured my heart I'm actually a member of JC Casablanca's my parents actually put me in acting classes , Tyson Beckford actually gave me an acting approval but of course he said I was no model (I guess Mr. Beckford couldn't stand the competition I come with LOL) , I used to even go on boat rides with my Family and girlfriend we use to just be able to frolic and play on our property with not one concern. I worked proudly to support myself at the age of 18 I fought to graduated with honors and without any downtime committed to enrolling in college the following semester... now we're here but things are looking up!!!


fighting Sarcoma

WISH: One of my dreams is to go to New York, because I like it a lot, another is to meet Stephen Curry or go see the Golden State Warriors in a game because Curry is my idol to follow since I started playing basketball and the warriors are my fav team and my last dream is to be a streamer like my idols on Twitch, Youtube, which in that case I would have to buy several things to put together a whole setup to stream like them.

Before I went out with my friends and my brother to play soccer and basketball, my brother and l used to exercise together, also at night we went out as a family to dinner restaurants, every weekend we went to the park, now I still do a few things like go to the park, go to eat at restaurants and watch movies together, from time to time we play board games as a family.