Have a Fundraiser!
Would you like to fundraise with an event in your home town? It's easy and FUN! From bake sales to Chili Cook Offs-- every dollar counts towards a wish and spreads the word about Nik's Wish!
Check out the POWER OF LOVE campaign and ask 10 friends to ask 10 friends to BRING JOY help us fill the gap for young adults fighting cancer!
Share your Birthday or Celebration with a Facebook Fundraiser
Facebook Fundraiser -- you will find our foundation listed.

Nik's Home Run is our signature event! Get your team together to Make Wishes Happen at Nik's Home Run!
Please check out our current volunteer needs or become a part of our volunteer team!
Becomes a Nik's Wish Team Volunteer

Sport your Nik's swag!
Want an easy way to show your support, buy some of our Nik's wish swag! It's a great way to share the mission and help fill the cancer support gap.
Our foundation is supported 100% though hard working volunteers, donations, sponsorships and inkind donations. Your gift of tickets to events, silent auction item, miles for patients, vacation spots for auction or any other ideas are great ways to help.

This is a unique opportunity to directly fulfill the wish of a young adult fighting cancer. We'll tell you all about the young adult you're helping and share their wish experience.

Corporate sponsors and philanthropic individuals are essential in helping the Nikolas Ritschel Foundation accomplish our mission. Through the generosity of businesses and individuals who make good things happen for others, we are able to bring joy to young adults and their families fighting cancer. Together we can make wishes happen!
Nik's Wish Partners donate their goods or services to help us fulfill Nik's Wishes. From donating lodging, excursions, or patient gifts, these partners help us control the costs of wishes and BRING MORE JOY!
Contact us if you would like to become a Nik's Wish Partner!