SETH funded in memory of Alexis

ADRIAN funded by JHUD Show & Denny

Fighting B Cell Lymphoma

LUKE funded by Van Fleet Family

Fighting Hodgkin's Lymphomia


fighting Hodgkin's Lymphoma

WISH: Family Vacation
Chase graduated high school in 2023 and was planning on attending EMT school last August and Firefighter School in January. His father is a firefighter for Seminole County Fire Department and had hopes of working alongside him. Although this dream will still come true and is currently on hold with hopes of starting this August. Chase is handling his treatments well and will finish the 6 month treatment cycle on February 27th, 2024.

What Nik's wish are you thinking about and why?
Week long Family Vacation, either near the water or mountains.


fighting Lymphoma

Sam, age 20 from CT, was a healthy young man when he was suddenly diagnosed with cancer in January of 2021. He had a very scary & difficulty first round of chemo where he was in the intensive care unit. He's been adjusting to the new diagnosis but it's been extra challenging due to covid.


fighting Acute Myeloid Leukemia

WISH: Rainforest
Before my diagnosis, I was super active playing volleyball and I was in college getting my bachelors in psychology. I was diagnosed my junior year, a week before my 21st birthday. I received treatment, graduated, and relapsed last year. Since then I've been on a maintenance treatment and I'm working to gain my strength back after all my treatments caused some muscle loss. Meanwhile, I'm keeping myself busy by doing hobbies such as crocheting and painting.!


fighting T-cell leukemia/lymphoma

WISH: Key West
Jack was diagnosed 4 months after graduating high school. He was planning to go to college and study Nuclear Engineering. He was getting marks on his skin and not feeling well. He was first diagnosed with a rash and given skin cream. He had petechiae all over his body. He was finally diagnosed with leukemia. He has been fighting Leukemia for over 2 years. Now he has avascular necrosis in his shoulders and hips which requires replacement of both shoulders and hips.

What Nik's wish are you thinking about and why?
His wish is to spend time in Key West and swim in the ocean.


fighting Hodgkin's Lymphoma

In the beginning of October, I got accepted to my first-choice university, Shippensburg, in the History Program. I am aiming to major in American/Public History and work behind the scenes in either museums or local historical societies. I am looking at a minor in Creative Writing. My family was so excited for me as this is what I had been hoping for. Over the next few weeks, I got accepted to all of the schools I applied to, so we were spending that time reviewing everything and trying to finalize my choice when I was admitted to Children's Hospital of Pennsylvania for suspicion of Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Since then everything has changed. I was worried that I would not be able to accept my offer at Shippensburg, however my oncology team says I should continue with my plans. I've been hesitant to do this just yet, but my mom and family continue to encourage me to stay focused on my goals. I have opted to participate in a clinical trial for treatment which allows me to go to the clinic a little less and not have as many side effects to the treatment, but I have slowed down a lot and attend school only 2-3 days a week. I try to still go as much as I can as my teachers and friends are all supportive. I'm also supposed to be in a play with our drama department in a few weeks and this helps me cope on the tough days as I have something to look forward to in the coming weeks. I am almost done with my second treatment cycle and hope to see positive results on my upcoming scan to show us that the treatment is working. I think this is what I need to see to keep my focus on my goals. I have been having some tough days over the holidays as I don't feel up to celebrating as I feel like what's the point since I am in the worst days I have ever had. One of the worst days was the day I decided to have my hair shaved. I had long hair so losing it all gives me a physical reminder of what I am going through. I try to stay positive, but my mom says I'm allowed to have all sorts of feelings as each day is different, but this is only temporary.

I hope to be able to feel better, and good about myself and gain the confidence to make plans for after graduation. I told my family I still want to go to Shippensburg, and they are all so supportive and are looking forward to some of the positive things we have coming up this year.
What Nik's wish are you thinking about and why?
I would like to take some time with my family and celebrate beating cancer and graduating from high school as I hope this all happens at that same time and turns all of these negative days into positive ones. I would like to either go to the Outer Banks with them as that is our happy place or I have thought it would be fun to visit Universal Studios as we all love Harry Potter.


fighting Hodgkins Lymphoma

WISH: Travel
For at least three years before my diagnosis, I felt that something was off. Since march 2020, I have suffered from many painful physical symptoms that stopped me from living a productive and happy life. All I remember is going from Dr to Dr being mis or undiagnosed and being told everything was in my head. my outings and fun nights out quickly decreased and the hopeless days wondering what is wrong with me became often. It was very difficult for me to go to school, go out, and even do household chores. As fall 2022 came, my symptoms became much more noticeable. When I was finally diagnosed in july 2023, I felt validated. life since being diagnosed is a roller coaster. The week that I get treatment, I am in bed for 4 days due to the disturbing and traumatizing side effects of the chemotherapy. I am unable to communicate or be mobile. The week after, I recovered and am able to go out and catch up with friends or family. treatment is very rough for me but i always hold onto my faith and hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I try to be more grateful for my life and all the blessings in it.

What Nik's wish are you thinking about and why?
I would love to go out of state. I feel like going away would give me a much needed refresh and somewhat of a restart. Being in a different environment than where I am currently, where I get treatment, would allow me to come back and view it as less daunting. I have wished to go away for a long time and I hope I will be able to do that soon!